The process of organizing and arranging the content that appears on a webpage is in

Seeking a solution to achieve a similar effect like this example.

Wanting the sections to transition nicely when clicked on.

Should I use a Jquery plugin or implement it with CSS?

Answer №1

Utilizing jQuery and CSS, you have the flexibility to achieve your desired effect. jQuery tends to offer more support compared to CSS in this scenario.

Consider implementing a jQuery solution like the following...

$('outerContainer').click(function() {
  // Access the html element that was clicked
  $(this).fadeOut(function() {  // Once fadeOut is complete,

    $('.targetPage').fadeIn();  // Fade in the specified target page


If you require further guidance on setting this up, feel free to reach out for assistance.

Answer №2

Seems like you're interested in a plugin that functions similarly to this one: Quicksand

Answer №3

Here is a suggestion to try out: Note: .cont refers to the name of the div or body you want to apply a fade effect to.

animation: fadeIn 2s;
@keyframes fadeIn{
opacity: 0;
transform: rotateX(-10deg);
opacity: 1;
transform: rotateX(0);

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