Tips for making sure custom fonts are loaded before running any JavaScript code

Upon loading my page, I run a JavaScript function to determine if specific text fits within its parent div. If it doesn't fit, then adjustments must be made.

The text is styled with a custom font, which can be loaded either through @font-face or Google fonts, depending on the font chosen.

An issue arises when the JavaScript executes before the font has been fully applied, resulting in incorrect measurements due to variations in font size and width.

UPDATE: In response to feedback:

I have placed the CSS in the header and the JavaScript at the end of the document. Despite enclosing all my code within:

$(document).ready ( function(){...})

the problem persist.

With caching disabled, the height is calculated incorrectly. Enabling caching yields accurate measurements, presumably because of the time required to apply the font.

Answer №1

After some experimentation, I crafted JavaScript code that meticulously compares the width of two elements: one styled with a websafe font, and the other with the same font but also a backup websafe font.

Initially, the elements exhibit identical widths, but as soon as the Google font is applied, they diverge. The code continuously loops until the font finishes rendering, allowing the rest of the code to execute seamlessly.

One drawback I faced with using window.onload on this webpage is that it waits for all images to load as well, causing unnecessary delays in the JavaScript execution process.

Answer №2


    //insert your code within this function...

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