Is it possible to apply a style change to several components at once using a single toggle switch

I am looking to implement a day/night feature on my web app, triggered by a simple toggle click.

While I can easily add this feature to a single component using the navigation menu, I am faced with the challenge of incorporating it into multiple components.

One workaround I came across is utilizing ng-deep, but it doesn't seem like the cleanest solution when modifying the main CSS.

Another approach I considered is creating a service and subscribing to the toggle in each component. However, this method appears to be overly complicated for what I'm trying to achieve.

My main query is: Is there a way to change the style of multiple components with a single toggle switch?

I would prefer not to rely on JavaScript for this task.

Currently, the code snippet from my app.component involves:

import { Component, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.less']

export class AppComponent {
  title = 'Optimus Engine';
  version = 'Latest';

  day = true;

  constructor(private element: ElementRef) {


  dayNight() {

    if (! {

    if ( {
    } = !;

   //By the way, there seems to be an issue with removing the class, but that's something I need to troubleshoot separately.


In the template section:

<div class="toggle-box" (click)="dayNight()">
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1" id="toggle-box-checkbox" />
    <label for="toggle-box-checkbox" class="toggle-box-label-left"></label>
    <label for="toggle-box-checkbox" class="toggle-box-label"></label>

In the less file:

:host.night h1 {
    transition: all 1s;
        color: aliceblue;

However, this styling only applies to h1 elements, and I am exploring ways to extend this functionality to other components based on the same toggle.

Answer №1

To distribute a value across multiple components, you can leverage a service.

Take for example this service:

export class ThemeService {

    private modeSubject: BehaviorSubject<'light'|'dark'> = new BehaviorSubject<'light'|'dark'>('light');

    public get mode():Observable<'light'|'dark'>{
        return this.modeSubject.asObservable();

    public switchMode(newMode:'light'|'dark'):void{;


Then, in your component, simply subscribe to the mode observable:

constructor(themeService: ThemeService){
    themeService.mode.subscribe(mode => this.theme = mode);

finally, use [ngClass] to bind the theme to your template:

Any component that uses this logic will sync with your chosen theme mode (light or dark).

Remember, I used two strings for illustration purposes but you can certainly utilize an enum instead.

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