The arrows on the Slick Slider appear cropped on ios devices like the iphone 8, however, they display perfectly when tested on Chrome and Firefox

I am currently facing an issue with my slick slider setup at It is configured for 4 slides on desktop and 2 slides on mobile devices (768px breakpoint). The problem I am encountering is that the Slick Slider Arrows are being cut off when viewed on a real iOS device, specifically an iPhone 8 (as shown in the attached image). However, they appear fine when simulated using iPhone8 or resized in Chrome and Firefox. Since I am on a Windows environment right now, I am unable to directly inspect the element. How can I go about fixing this? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Increasing the arrow height to 60 pixels resolved the problem.

.single-product div.product section.up-sells.upsells.products .slide-arrow{

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