I want to display a div above an image when hovering over it

    .vpbutton {padding:4px;background-color:#EFEFEF;}
    .userbox img{padding:8px;background-color:#EFEFEF;}
    .userbox img:hover{opacity:.2;}
    <div class="userbox">
    <img src='img.png' style='height:120px;width:120px;border:1px solid #e5e5e5;'>
    <div class="hello"> Hello</div>

I am attempting to achieve the placement of the div with class="hello" centered on top of the image when it is hovered over. Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №2

If I've got it right... you're looking to have a div show up on top of your image when it's hovered over, is that correct?

When it comes to displaying/hiding it, there are two methods that come to mind. One utilizing css, and the other involving jQuery.


<a href="#" class="Anchor">
<img src='img.png' class="img">
<span class="Hello">hello</span>

a.anchor span.Hello {visibility:hidden;}
a.anchor:hover span.Hello {visibility:visible;}

You can also apply some positioning (.Anchor set as relative, .Hello as absolute, with appropriate z-index).


$(document).ready(function() {

If the centering aspect is still unclear, feel free to ask for further clarification :)

Answer №6

Exploring mouseover and mouseout effects:

Check out this example on jsFiddle

<div class="userbox">
    <img src='img.png'>
    <div class="hello" style="display:none"> Hello</div>

$('.userbox img').mouseover(function() {

$('.userbox img').mouseout(function() {

.vpbutton {padding:4px;background-color:#EFEFEF;}

.userbox {position:relative;} .userbox img{height:120px;width:120px;border:1px solid
#e5e5e5;padding:8px;background-color:#EFEFEF; } .userbox img:hover{opacity:.2;}

.hello { position:absolute; top:10px; left:10px; }

Answer №7

This is my best attempt at creating a single line of text within some restrictions. It may be possible to customize this further by adding a div inside that takes up 80% of the image width and centering it for paragraph text.

Check out the JSBin example below for reference:


    .vpbutton {
.userbox img{
  border:1px solid #e5e5e5;
.userbox img:hover{
.hover-text {
.userbox img:hover ~ .hover-text {
  border:1px solid #000;
  display: block;




$(function() {
  $('img[rel="hover-text"]').each(function () {
    this$ = $(this)
    console.log((this$.outerWidth() - this$.innerWidth()))
      'margin': (this$.outerWidth(true) - this$.width())+'px',
      'height': (this$.height())+'px',
      'width': (this$.width())+'px',


<div class="userbox">
    <img src='http://www.clonescriptsdb.com/scriptimages/inout-search-engine-google-like-search-engine-788.jpg' rel="hover-text">
    <div class="hover-text">asd</div>


UPDATE to correctly consider margins, padding, and borders.

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