Does anyone know if it's achievable to include a background position within the img /asp:image tag?

Currently, I am endeavoring to enhance the loading speed of my webpage.

The initial approach I decided to pursue is base64 conversion.

On my homepage, there are a total of 18 small images that need to be loaded. Since base64 encoding increases image size by 1.3 times, I opted for using image sprites instead.

Upon creating image sprites, I successfully utilized them to replace the background-image and background-position properties for div elements. However, I encountered a challenge when attempting to substitute sprited images for img and asp:image tags. It is imperative for these tags to remain as <asp:image> due to some backend functions associated with them.

Answer №1

To enhance the visual appeal of your website, consider incorporating translucent images into all asp:Image elements. These images translate well into HTML format and can be further customized by assigning the appropriate CSS class along with the matching sprite.

For a practical illustration, refer to the following link: Remember to specify the dimensions within the class itself or directly within the asp:Image tag:

<asp:Image ID="imgVisual" runat="server" Height="150" Width="150" ...

Answer №2

A clever way to utilize sprites on images is by incorporating height/width attributes along with an empty or transparent image, typically a 1 pixel x 1-pixel placeholder within the src field. This technique ensures that something will load and display properly as an image tag, preventing browsers from showing error messages or failing to render anything.

When implemented, the resulting markup may resemble the following:

<img class="rgoto" src="spacer.gif" height="9" width="8" >

This can be styled like so:

img.rgoto {
background: url(sprite.gif) no-repeat -230px -20px;
height: 9px;
width: 8px;

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