Excessive HTML and CSS overflow stretching beyond the boundaries of the page on the right

It seems like the issue lies with div.ü and div.yayın, as they are causing overflow on the right side of the page. When these elements are removed, the overflow issue goes away. Are there different positioning codes that can be used to prevent this?


<div class="ü">
       <a href="#">Yayın Akışı</a>


<div class="yayın">
  <a href = "http://localhost/php/sistemler/haber.php">
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" class=""   height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de Fi"</h3>
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" class=""   height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de rm"</h3>
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" class=""   height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de um"</h3>
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" class=""   height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de um"</h3>

Answer №1

Your CSS contains 3 errors:

  • The div with class ü is missing
  • This style rule is applied to an image, not a div.
  • You have included 2 class attributes on your image.

To fix these issues, add max-width:90%; if you must use left:10%; in your CSS like so:

  max-width: 90%;

Also, replace left: 10%; with margin-left:10%; in the class yay1n.


div .u{

  max-width: 90%;
<div class="yayın">
  <a href = "http://localhost/php/sistemler/haber.php">
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de Fi"</h3>
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de rm"</h3>
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de um"</h3>
  <h3><img class="u" src = "images/7.jpg" height = "125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de um"</h3>

Answer №2

When you utilize left: 10%, it causes the element to be taken out of the normal document flow, thus not affecting any other elements on the page. A better approach would be to use margin-left: 10% instead.

div.u {
  position: relative;
  margin-left: 10%;
  vertical-align: top;

div.yayın {
  position: relative;
  margin-left: 10%;
<div class="yayın">
  <a href="http://localhost/php/sistemler/haber.php">
    <h3><img class="u" src="images/7.jpg" class="" height="125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de Fi"</h3>
  <h3><img class="u" src="images/7.jpg" class="" height="125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de rm"</h3>

  <h3><img class="u" src="images/7.jpg" class="" height="125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de um"</h3>

  <h3><img class="u" src="images/7.jpg" class="" height="125px" style="margin-right:20px;">Section 1.10.33 of "de um"</h3>


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