Modifying the CSS style of an element on PageA by clicking a button on PageB

For my app, I am incorporating tabs. I want to implement a user button that, when clicked on tab-detail.html, will update the CSS of an element located on its parent tab page, tab.html.

.controller('TabCtrl', function($scope,Tabs) {
    $scope.tabs = Tabs.all() ;
    // This fills in the "tab.html" template
    // An element on this page is: <span id="tab_selected_1">
    // When a user selects a listed item on tab.html
    // It redirects to tab-detail.html

.controller('TabDetailCtrl', function($scope,$stateparams,Tabs) {
   $scope.tabs = Tabs.get($stateparams.tabID) ;
    // On tab-detail.html, there is a button <button ng-click="tabSelect()">
   $scope.tabSelect = function(thisID) {
      // Update the css on TabCtrl's elementID
      document.getElementById('tab_selected_1').style.color = "green" ;

The only way to access tab-detail.html is through tab.html, therefore tab.html must be loaded. However, no matter what approach I take, I can't seem to find a way to reach the element that belongs to another controller's page.

I have attempted:

var e = angular.element('tab_selected_1');


var e = angular.element(document.querySelector('tab_selected_1') ; = "green" ;

Answer №1

Your current method may not be effective since the desired DOM is unavailable. Consider creating a shareable service to store the necessary variables and use them in your UI. To ensure proper binding, structure your service variable as an object like styleData, or utilize an angular constant for this purpose.

app.constant('constants', {
   data: {

You can then inject this constant into your controller and make modifications as needed.

.controller('TabCtrl', function($scope, Tabs, constants) {
    $scope.constants = constants; //access constants in HTML
    $scope.tabs = Tabs.all();
    // code for populating "tab.html" template and handling user selections

.controller('TabDetailCtrl', function($scope,$stateparams,Tabs, constants) {
   $scope.tabs = Tabs.get($stateparams.tabID);
   $scope.constants= constants; //access constants in HTML
    // code for handling tab detail and updating CSS
   $scope.tabSelect = function(thisID) {
      $ = "green";


<div id="tab_selected_1" ng-style="{color: || 'black'}">

Answer №2

Here's a suggestion for achieving this task: 1) Start by creating a new service 2) Assign a value to a variable within the service when a button is clicked (within tab-detail.html) 3) Utilize the value of that service variable in tab.html

Answer №3

(Update: Correction below)

The solution provided by @pankajparkar does work, however it seems to be incompatible with IONIC due to the framework's override of DOM settings. Even though the style is being added inline and defined in the DOM Element inspector, the color of the rendered HTML remains unchanged.

Research suggests that this issue is specific to IONIC, as other users have encountered similar problems. While there may be workarounds suggested on various forums and blogs, none have proven successful thus far.

To assist others in the future (even if not compatible with IONIC), the code has been reformatted, but a solution for IONIC compatibility is still sought:

.constant('constants', {
   tabColors: {

.controller('TabCtrl', function($scope,Tabs,constants) {
  $scope.constants = constants; 

.controller('TabDetailCtrl', function($scope,$stateparams,Tabs,constants) {
  $scope.constants = constants; 
  $scope.setItem= function(thisID) {
    $scope.constants.tabColors.oldID = $scope.constants.tabColors.curID ;
    delete $scope.constants.tabColors['tabID_'+$scope.constants.tabColors.curID] ;
    $scope.constants.tabColors.curID = thisID ;
    $scope.constants.tabColors['tabID_'+thisID] = 'green' ;

// HTML in Tab.html
<span id='tab_tabID_{{tab.tabID}}' ng-style="{color: constants.tabColors['tabID_'+tab.tabID] || 'black'}">
Some Text Here

//HTML in TabDetail.html
<button id="tab_button" class="button button-small button-outline button-positive" ng-click="setItem({{tab.tabID}});">
   Select This Item

Correction: The method does work and is compatible with IONIC. The problem lies in IONIC elements inheriting properties from predefined classes within tags like <ion-item> and <ion-nav>. To address this, either update the class or include ID tags on each element and apply CSS changes as shown above. Although not ideal, this approach will yield results.

In my scenario, the HTML structure was as follows:

<span id='tab_tabID_{{tab.tabID}}' ng-style="{color: constants.tabColors['tabID_'+tab.tabID] || 'black'}">
  <h2>Header Text Here</h>
  <p>More text here</p>

The mentioned CSS method works well with this layout:

<span id='tab_tabID_{{tab.tabID}}'>
  <h2  ng-style="{color: constants.tabColors['tabID_'+tab.tabID] || 'black'}">
    Header Text Here
  <p  ng-style="{color: constants.tabColors['tabID_'+tab.tabID] || 'black'}">
    More text here

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