Tips for aligning a div underneath another div in a centered position

I am attempting to align .rij_lessenrooster below .rij_weekdagen so that it is centered under each day. The teacher advised me to create a column and then try it, but it did not resolve the alignment issue. The .rij_weekdagen consistently appears off to the right. I also experimented with using position properties, but it did not produce the desired outcome. Trying to use justify-content: space-around for .rij_lessenrooster only worsened the misalignment.

.klasnaam {
  text-align      : center;
  font-weight     : bold;
.rij_lessenrooster {
  display         : flex;
  flex-direction  : row;
  justify-content : space-between;
  align-items     : center;
.rij_weekdagen {
  display         : flex;
  flex-direction  : row;
  justify-content : space-around;
  border-bottom   : 1px solid;
.boven {
  display         : flex;
  flex-direction  : column;
  margin-bottom   : 60px;
<div class="container">
  <div class="klasnaam">5I</div>
  <div class="rij_weekdagen">
    <div class="weekdag">Monday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Tuesday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Wednesday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Thursday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Friday</div>
  <div class="rij_lessenrooster">
    <div class="uur_container">
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">8:25 AM</div>
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">9:15 AM</div>
        <div class="beneden">10:05 AM</div>
    <div class="vak uur_2">
      <div class="uur_1 nederlands">
        <span class="vaknaam">Dutch</span><br> Verheyen
        <br> Room 207
      <div class="uur_1 history">
        <span class="vaknaam">History</span><br> De Coster<br> Room 207
    <div class="vak uur_2 french">
      <span class="vaknaam">French</span><br> Heylen
      <br> Room 207
    <div class="vak uur_2">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="vak uur_2 math">
      <span class="vaknaam">Math</span><br> Awadhpersad
      <br> Room 204
    <div class="vak uur_2 math">
      <span class="vaknaam">Math</span><br> Awadhpersad
      <br> Room 207
  <div class="rij_lessenrooster">
    <div class="uur_container">
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">10:20 AM</div>
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">11:10 AM</div>
    <div class="vak uur_2 lbv">
      <span class="vaknaam">LBV</span><br> Claes
      <br> NCZ
      <br> Room 110
    <div class="vak uur_2 lbv">
      <span class="vaknaam">LBV</span><br> Maes
      <br> KG
      <br> Room 210
    <div class="vak uur_2 lbv">
      <span class="vaknaam">LBV</span><br> V. Exa.<br> Islam
      <br> Room 207
    <div class="vak uur_2 lbv">
      <span class="vaknaam">LBV</span><br> D. Pile.<br> PG
      <br> Room 202
    <div class="vak uur_2 dutch">
      <span class="vaknaam">Dutch</span><br> Verheyen
      <br> Room 207
    <div class="vak uur_2 information_technology">
      <span class="vaknaam">Info Tech</span><br> Leys
      <br> Room 109
    <div class="vak uur_2 information_technology">
      <span class="vaknaam">Info Tech</span><br> Mertens
      <br> Room 109
    <div class="vak uur_2 information_technology">
      <span class="vaknaam">Info Tech</span><br> Mertens
      <br> Room 109
  <div class="middagpauze">
    <div class="uur_container">
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">12:00 PM</div>
    <div class="vak uur_1">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="vak uur_1">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="vak uur_1">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="vak uur_1">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="vak uur_1">&nbsp;</div>
  <div class="rij_lessenrooster">
    <div class="uur_container">
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">1:00 PM</div>
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">1:50 PM</div>
        <div class="beneden">2:40 PM</div>
    <div class="vak uur_2 physical_education">
      <span class="vaknaam">Physical Education</span><br> Riské
      <br> Gymnasium 1
    <div class="vak uur_2 math">
      <span class="vaknaam">Math</span><br> Awadhpersad
      <br> Room 207
    <div class="vak uur_2">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="vak uur_2 information_technology">
      <span class="vaknaam">Info Tech</span><br> Mertens
      <br> Room 109
    <div class="vak uur_2">
      <div class="uur_1 french">
        <span class="vaknaam">French</span><br> Heylen
        <br> Room 207
      <div class="uur_1 geography">
        <span class="vaknaam">Geography</span><br> Engelen
        <br> Room 207
  <div class="rij_lessenrooster">
    <div class="uur_container">
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">2:55 PM</div>
      <div class="uur">
        <div class="boven">3:45 PM</div>
        <div class="beneden">4:35 PM</div>
    <div class="vak uur_2 information_technology">
      <span class="vaknaam">Info Tech</span><br> Leys
      <br> Room 109
    <div class="vak uur_2 information_technology">
      <span class="vaknaam">Info Tech</span><br> Leys
      <br> Room 109
    <div class="vak uur_2">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="vak uur_2 english">
      <span class="vaknaam">English</span><br> Tack
      <br> Room 207
    <div class="vak uur_1 cv2">
      <span class="vaknaam">CV2</span><br> Mertens
      <br> Room 23

Answer №1

Apply the style justify-content: space-around; to the element with class .rij_lessenrooster and ensure that the child divs are full-width while centering the text.

.klasnaam {
  text-align: center;
  font-weight: bold;
.rij_lessenrooster {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  justify-content: space-around;
  align-items: center;

.rij_lessenrooster div {
   width: 100%;
   text-align: center;
   border-right: 1px solid;
.rij_weekdagen {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  justify-content: space-around;
  border-bottom: 1px solid;
.boven {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  margin-bottom: 60px;
.weekdag {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;
  border-right: 1px solid;
<div class="container">
  <div class="klasnaam">5I</div>
  <div class="rij_weekdagen">
    <div class="weekdag">Monday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Tuesday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Wednesday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Thursday</div>
    <div class="weekdag">Friday</div>
  <div class="rij_lessenrooster">
    <div class="hour_container">
      <div class="hour">
        <div class="top">8:25 AM</div>
      <div class="hour">
        <div class="top">9:15 AM</div>
        <div class="bottom">10:05 AM</div>
    <div class="subject hour_2">
      <div class="hour_1 english">
        <span class="subject_name">English</span><br> Smith
        <br> Room 207
      <div class="hour_1 history">
        <span class="subject_name">History</span><br> Johnson<br> Room 207
    <div class="subject hour_2 french">
      <span class="subject_name">French</span><br> Brown
      <br> Room 207
    <div class="subject hour_2 math">
      <span class="subject_name">Math</span><br> Davis
      <br> Room 204
    <div class="subject hour_2 math">
      <span class="subject_name">Math</span><br> Davis
      <br> Room 207

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