Homepage divided in two sections akin to the Tumblr landing page

Have you ever visited www.tumblr.com and noticed the '30 reasons...' link on the registration page that slides up and reveals a second page? I've been trying to figure out how they achieve this cool effect. Most tutorials show how to scroll between two sections on one page, but Tumblr seems to have two separate pages that swap with a slide effect.

I believe jQuery is involved in creating this effect, but I haven't been able to find much information about it. I'm really interested in learning how to implement something similar myself because I love how it looks!

If anyone has any tips or hints on how to create this type of sliding effect, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

Best regards, Sebastian

Answer №1

What a fascinating effect! This creative blend of CSS and javascript results in something truly unique. Personally, I prefer utilizing jQuery for projects like this. To illustrate how it can be achieved, I have put together a brief demonstration on jsFiddle:


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