What steps should I follow to align these unordered lists side by side?

Is there a way to align these lists (unordered lists inside list items 1 through 4) side by side using CSS3?

I've tried different methods, but I can't seem to figure it out. Here is the code I've been using:


                <li>Vision & Policy</li>
                <li>Study Program Structure</li>


                <li>Events Calendar</li>


                <li>Faculty Members</li>
                <li>Academic Office</li>



Answer №1

I suggest nesting the "inside" <ul> elements inside divs, applying styles to the divs for width, and floating them to the left.

You can see an example of this approach in action on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/msturdy/yJ2Kw/4/

While it may not be standard practice to place a <div> within a <ul>, it functions smoothly in Chrome and Firefox!

( EDIT: updated link to include the correct closing of the </li> tags after the nested <ul> )

Answer №2

To align the list items next to each other, you should set the display property of the specific list items to inline. Here's an example:

ul ul li { display: inline; }

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