Top Choice for Customizable Location Bar Dragging

I'm currently working on an app that features a draggable location bar. This feature will allow users to navigate through chapters in a book and will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, similar to Kindle or other mobile reading applications.

I would like to know your opinion on which element to utilize.


element, or perhaps consider using a

<input type="range">

Or should we develop our own solution with some javascript?

Answer №1

If you're looking for the best solution for your use case in terms of semantics, consider using the number or range input types.

<input type="number" max="50" min="1" value="10">
<input type="range" max="50" min="1" step="1" value="10">

The main challenge lies in styling these inputs effectively.

To see some innovative approaches to creating accessible slider controls for various inputs, including number, check out the work by Filament Group at:

You can also find the code on Github:

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