Is there a way to utilize jQuery to redirect to the href included in the HTML attachment?

I am looking to add a redirection feature to my website using the href provided in the code by jQuery. This will be done after playing an animation for better user experience.


            url = location.href;
         $( location ).attr("href", url); <<-- I INTEND TO REDIRECT TO THE LINK SPECIFIED IN THE HREF ATTRIBUTE

        }, 500);


Answer №1

Utilize the code window.location.href:

By clicking on a link, you can redirect to another page using this piece of code: 
window.location.href = $("href");

Answer №2

  • Take a look at the code snippet below, it could provide some guidance

        var url = $(this).attr('href');
          window.location.href = url; // REDIRECT 
        }, 500);<br>

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