Tips for adjusting the text color of input fields while scrolling down

I am currently working on my website which features a search box at the top of every page in white color. I am interested in changing the color of the search box to match the background color of each individual page. Each page has its own unique background hue.

The search icon or image is located next to the menu (where the input text is initially hidden). When clicked, it reveals the input text field covering all the menu options.

Our site is built using Wordpress and we are using the Hi-response theme.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Answer №1

// This code has not been tested
            if(document.getElementById("searchBar").scrollTop() > 10){
    document.getElementById("searchBar").style.color = "Red"
    else {
    document.getElementById("searchBar").style.color = "Blue"


When the background and search bar have the same id.

    #pageTheme {
    <body class="bodyTheme" id="pageTheme">
    <div class="searchBarTheme" id="pageTheme">SearchBar Stuff</div>
ID takes precedence over class, so the background color of pageTheme will be applied to both elements.

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