Guide to making a slider menu using html, css, and javascript

Just dipping my toes into the world of web development. I'm intrigued by the idea of creating a "slider menu" where users can view and select options by clicking on next or previous buttons (see example image below). While I've got some basic HTML down, I'm struggling with how to implement this using JavaScript. Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated!

View Example

<div class = navigationButtons>
  <button class = "prev"> < </button>

<div class = "select options">
  <div class="o1">
    <button> option1 </button>
  </<div >

  <div class="o2">
    <button> option2 </button>
  </<div >

 <div class="o3">
    <button> option3 </button>

 <div class="o4">
    <button> option4 </button>

  <div class = navigationButtons>
    <button class = "next"> > </button>

Answer №1

did you mean this:

var selection = 1;
function displayNext(){
selection= (selection<4)? selection+1 : 1;

function displayPrevious(){
selection= (selection>1)? selection-1 : 4;

margin-left: auto;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">

<div class="container ">
<button class = " navigationButtons" id="Previous">

<div class = "selectOptions ">
<button  id="o1"> option1 </button>
<button  id="o2"> option2 </button>
<button  id="o3"> option3 </button>
<button  id="o4"> option4 </button>
  <button class = " navigationButtons" id="Next">
> </button>
    <script src="script.js">        

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