Raphael JS Path Animation: Wiping Away

I have successfully created a line animation using RaphaelJS, which can be viewed on this jsfiddle link - http://jsfiddle.net/7n040zdu/. My next challenge is to create an erasing animation that follows the initial one. This erasing animation should mimic the initial animation by moving along the same path at the same speed and direction.

My attempt to overlay another path for the erasing effect did not yield the desired result. If the original path overlaps with the erasing path, it becomes apparent that the animation is not truly 'erasing' but rather getting covered up.

I have searched through the Raphael documentation but have not found a suitable solution for achieving this effect.

Here is the relevant code:


<div class='drawings' id="draw0"></div>


body {
    background-color: black;


var animateLine = function(canvas, colorNumber, strokeWidth, pathString) {
    var line = canvas.path(pathString).attr({
        stroke: colorNumber

    var length = line.getTotalLength();

        'to' : 1
    }, {
        duration: 1000,
        step: function (pos, fx) {
            var offset = length * fx.pos;
            var subpath = line.getSubpath(0, offset);
                stroke: colorNumber,
                "stroke-dasharray" : "",
                "stroke-width" : strokeWidth

var canvas = new Raphael('draw0', 50,50);
var drawPath1 = 'M0.767,0.915 M48.538,20.228L0.767,0.915l3.896,39.312L48.538,20.228L37.663';

animateLine(canvas, '#FFF', '1.5', drawPath1);

Answer №1

After receiving feedback from @Ian on the original question, I successfully implemented a single path and animated the dashoffset of the svg. However, it required additional modifications to ensure it worked correctly.

Initially, the CSS for the SVG path is defined with the parameters: 'stroke-dasharray': '9999px' and 'stroke-dashoffset': '9999px'. The animation then involves transitioning the stroke-dashoffset from 9999px to 9999px minus the length of the path. Once this initial animation is complete, the CSS needs to be updated again to: 'stroke-dasharray': '999 999' and 'stroke-dashoffset': '9999px'. Subsequently, the stroke-dashoffset is animated once more, but this time as

'stroke-dashoffset': (9999-(length of path)-100)+'px'

You can view a demonstration of this process in a jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/tim_m/94ze4ajj/

*Please note that in the jsfiddle example, I included additional paths with varying opacity and time offsets to create a fading effect at the ends of the line animation.

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