Break down the text of a paragraph into separate words, placing each word within its own span element, and then add animations

I am facing an issue with my paragraph element that has the display property set to hidden. I have split each word of the paragraph and placed them inside individual span elements. My goal is to create an effect where each word comes from different locations and sits in the correct order. However, instead of the desired effect, each word is appearing from lower positions to upper positions. How can I achieve the effect I want? Please assist me!

Visit this jsfiddle for reference.


<h3>If you miss the action, please reload the page.</h3>
<p id='myp'>The earth moves round the sun.</p>
var para;
var para_array=[];
var string;
var splits;
var ids=[];
var m;
var time=10;

function init(){

  splits=string.split(' ');



    var id='span'+i;
    var left=window.innerWidth-(Math.floor(Math.random()*900)+800);
    var top=window.innerHeight-(Math.floor(Math.random()*400)+50);

    var style='position:absolute;left:'+left+';top:'+top+';color:red;margin-right:30px;opacity:0;display:block;transition:all 1s ease-in-out;'

  var t=setTimeout(function(){

      var g=document.getElementById('span'+i);"200px";"px";;"rotate(360deg)";


Answer №1

You must remember to include 'px' in your top and left values:

var style='position:absolute;left:'+left+';top:'+top+';color:red;margin-right:30px;opacity:0;display:block;transition:all 1s ease-in-out;'

The corrected version should be:

var style='position:absolute;left:'+left+'px;top:'+top+'px;color:red;margin-right:30px;opacity:0;display:block;transition:all 1s ease-in-out;'

Additionally, it seems you intended to use Math.random instead of Math.round.

Here is the updated code:

Answer №2

gaurav5430 has already provided a solution to your query. I have taken the liberty to refine the code for you. Additionally, I have made some modifications to your jsfiddle to ensure that the words are evenly spaced.

var paragraph = document.getElementById('myp');

function initialize(target){
    var words = paragraph.innerHTML.toString().split(' ');
    var spans = [];
    var leftPosition = window.innerWidth - (Math.floor(Math.random() * 900) + 800);
    var topPosition = 1000 - (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 50);
    var style='position:absolute; left:'+leftPosition+'px; top:'+topPosition+'px; color:red; margin-right:30px; opacity:0; display:block; transition:all 1s ease-in-out;';
    var wordSpacing = 10;

    for(var i=0; i<words.length; i++){

        var spanElement = document.createElement('span');

        spanElement.setAttribute('style', style);
        spanElement.innerHTML = words[i];



    var timeout=setTimeout(function(){

        var currentLeftPosition = 150;

        for(var i=0; i<spans.length; i++){
            var span = spans[i];

         = "200px";
        = currentLeftPosition+"px";
     = 1;
   = "rotate(360deg)";

            currentLeftPosition += span.offsetWidth + wordSpacing;



window.onload=function(){initialize(paragraph, 10);};

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