Having difficulty removing padding from material-ui TabPane

Here is my TabPane: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ihxmn.png

I've been attempting to eliminate the padding. Some suggestions on SO led me to try this:

        "& .MuiBox-root": {
          padding: "0px",

Unfortunately, it didn't work as expected.

Upon inspecting the page, I discovered that removing MuiBox-root-9 was necessary to remove the padding. However, removing just MuiBox-root didn't have any effect:

<div class="MuiBox-root MuiBox-root-9">

Now I'm unsure how to target the class MuiBox-root-9.

Answer №1

It appears that you have created the TabPanel component yourself, not using the one from Material UI. If you refer to this example, you can see how it's done.

function TabPanel(props) {
  const { children, value, index, ...other } = props;

  return (
      hidden={value !== index}
      {value === index && (
        <Box sx={{ p: 3 }}>

If you want your panel to have no padding, simply remove sx={{ p: 3 }}.

Answer №2

You can easily customize CSS properties in MUI by utilizing the sx prop.

    sx={{ p: 0 }}

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