I'm currently attempting to determine the total cost of a series of operations, however, I am not receiving any results

Here is the code snippet from my HTML file:

      <td><input id="z1" type="number"  
      <td>Shirts - WASH - Qty 1 to 4</td>
      <td>2.50 ea</td>

This is how my Javascript function looks like:

function calculateSubTotal() { 
 var subTotal = (getTableOnePrice() + getTableTwoPrice() + getTableThreePrice() + getTableFourPrice());
 document.getElementById("subtotal").innerHTML = subTotal.toFixed(2);
 return subTotal;

An example of one of the functions in my script is this:

function getTableTwoPrice(){    

var ba = document.getElementById("y1").value * 6.00;

var bb = document.getElementById("y2").value * 1.25;

var bc = document.getElementById("y3").value * 4.00;

var bd = document.getElementById("y4").value * 6.00;

var be = document.getElementById("y5").value * 7.00;

var bf = document.getElementById("y6").value * 8.00;

var bg = document.getElementById("y7").value * 9.00;

var bh = document.getElementById("y8").value * 5.00;

var bi = document.getElementById("y9").value * 13.00;

var bj = document.getElementById("y10").value * 10.00;

var bk = document.getElementById("y11").value * 12.00;

var bl = document.getElementById("y12").value * 14.00;

var bm = document.getElementById("y13").value * 16.00;

var bn = document.getElementById("y14").value * 10.00;

var tableTwoTotal = ba + bb + bc + bd + be + bf + bg + bh + bi + bj + bk + bl + bm + bn;

   return tableTwoTotal;

Answer №1

Perhaps consider using the onchage event instead of oninput, as I have noticed that oninput may not function correctly in certain situations.

Answer №2

My approach would be to start by focusing on displaying information on the screen first. Using onchange for real-time updates is ideal as oninput triggers with every keystroke.

      <td><input id="z1" type="number" onchange="calculateSubTotal()">
      <td>Shirts - WASH - Qty 1 to 4</td>
      <td>2.50 ea</td>
    <div id='subtotal'></div>

    function calculateSubTotal() { 
    var subTotal = getTableOnePrice();
    document.getElementById("subtotal").innerHTML = subTotal.toFixed(2);
    return subTotal;
    function getTableOnePrice(){
        return 5

Once you have the basic functionality working, you can then gradually incorporate the actual getTableOnePrice() and other necessary components.

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