Tabs for various pages requested

I've been attempting to create an anchor link that jumps to a specific heading on another page, but for some reason my anchor tab isn't working properly. I have two files - index.html and anti foam.html - that need to be linked together. However, my anchor seems unable to jump to the "Pulp and Paper Industry" section on the other page.

Here is the code from index.html:

<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 gallery-item-wrapper nature outside">
                <div class="gallery-item">
                    <div class="gallery-thumb">
                        <img src="img/works/im2.png" class="img-responsive" alt="2nd gallery Thumb">
                        <div class="image-overlay"></div>
                        <a href="img/works/im2.png" class="gallery-zoom"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a>
                    <div class="gallery-details">
                      <div class="editContent">
                          <h5><a href="antifoam.html#Pulp and Paper Industry.">Pulp and Paper Industry.</a></h5> 

And here is the code from antifoam.html:

<section id="projects">
    <div class="container wow fadeInUp">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
          <div class="card" style="width:100%">
            <img class="card-img-top cimage" src="img/antifoam/PPI.jpg" alt="Card image cap">
          <div class="card-body">
           <h3>Pulp and Paper Industry.</h3>
           <p class="cp">Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.</p>
             <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Go somewhere</a>


I'm not sure where I'm going wrong with this setup. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To properly link to a specific section on a webpage, you need to anchor it with an ID. For example, your index page link could look like this:

<h5><a href="antifoam.html#pulp">Pulp and Paper Industry.</a></h5>

and the corresponding anchor would be:

 <h3 id="pulp" >Pulp and Paper Industry.</h3>

Answer №2

To enhance user experience, consider implementing a "landing" <a> tag with an id, such as pulp-and-paper-industry, on your target page, like antifoam.html:

  <a id="pulp-and-paper-industry">Pulp and Paper Industry.</a>

Next, you can easily link to it on your source page using the href attribute:

  <a href="antifoam.html#pulp-and-paper-industry">Pulp and Paper Industry.</a>

Answer №3

Here's another way to tackle it:

 <a href="pagename.html#justexample"></a> <a id="justexample"></a>

I'm confident you'll figure it out. Perhaps try without using %20 and instead making it a single word. It's all about trial and error.


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