Customize the design of a React Material-UI select dropdown by overriding

I am currently utilizing the React MUI Select Component for my forms, specifically for language selection. My issue arises when I need a different style for the dropdown menu of the language Select component. Overriding the relevant class would apply this new style to every Select component, but I only want it to affect the language Select. You can see an example in the image below:

Below is the code snippet:

const LanguagesSelect = props => {

  return (
    <Select  className="test" classes="assad" style={{ position: "relative !important", left: "20px !important", top: "30px !important", width: "168.3px !important", background: "white !important", borderRadius:"12.75px" }} >
      <MenuItem className="menuTest" style={{ paddingLeft: "5px" }}>
        <div style={{ display: "flex", width: "100%" }}>
          <img src={require("../../../assets/img/icons/flags/franch.svg").default} />
          <div style={{ marginLeft: "5px" }} >Franch</div>

      <MenuItem className="menuTest" style={{ paddingLeft: "5px" }}>
        <img src={require("../../../assets/img/icons/flags/eng.svg").default} />
        <div style={{ marginLeft: "5px" }}>English</div>

      <MenuItem className="menuTest" style={{ paddingLeft: "5px" }}>
        <img src={require("../../../assets/img/icons/flags/turkish.svg").default} />
        <div style={{ marginLeft: "5px" }}>Turkish</div>

      <MenuItem className="menuTest" style={{ paddingLeft: "5px" }}>
        <img src={require("../../../assets/img/icons/flags/czech.svg").default} />
        <div style={{ marginLeft: "5px" }}>Czech</div>

      <MenuItem className="menuTest" style={{ paddingLeft: "5px" }}>
        <img src={require("../../../assets/img/icons/flags/hebrew.svg").default} />
        <div style={{ marginLeft: "5px" }}>עברית</div>



Answer №1

Override the default style by utilizing the sx prop. For additional information, check out this resource mui_sx_prop

Answer №2

Applying external CSS to the Select element allows for manipulation of its child elements, such as the MenuItem.

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