Adjust the width of a div based on its height dimension

I have a div called #slideshow that contains images with a 2:1 aspect ratio. To set the height of the image using jQuery, I use the following function:

Keep in mind that the Slideshow Div is always 100% wide in relation to the browser window. If the user resizes the window, the slideshow will adjust accordingly.


function slideWidth(){
var width = $("#slideshow").css("width");
var height = (parseInt(width.substr(0,width.length-2)) / 3);
$("#slideshow").css("height", height + "px");

In order to dynamically change the width, I utilize the setTimeout function like so:

setInterval(slideWidth, 1000);

This method is working as intended. However, I am concerned about the impact it may have on the website performance due to constantly refreshing the slidewidth function every second.

Is there a way to achieve this using CSS3 or with jQuery/JavaScript while minimizing the impact on the website?

Thank you. Please share any new ideas or suggestions you may have.

Answer №1

An innovative technique using only CSS involves utilizing pseudo elements and padding:

div {
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
    background: blue;

div:before {
    display: block;
    content: "";
    padding-top: 60%;

By combining the pseudo padding-top, you can achieve flexibility with different aspect ratios.

For instance, setting the 60% padding results in an aspect ratio of 1.67:1.

See Demo on Fiddle

Answer №2

It is recommended to utilize jQuery's .resize() method as it allows for the addition of an event listener that awaits container resizing.

  //implement your desired logic here

Learn more about the jQuery resize method

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