What is the method for adjusting the size of text while rendering on a canvas?

When it comes to scaling text with CSS transform scale, for instance:

transform: scale(2, 4);
fontSize: 20px // Is including fontSize necessary?

I also have the task of displaying the same text on a canvas element.

function draw() {
  const ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  ctx.font = '20px serif';
  ctx.fillText('Hello world', 10, 50);

In the JavaScript function above, how should I go about scaling the text? I've set the font size as 20px, but how would I apply the scale values of 2 and 4?

Answer №1

To implement scaling on the canvas, utilize the scale function within the context.

Take a look at this example:

function draw() {
  const ctx = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
  ctx.font = '20px serif';
  ctx.scale(2, 4);
  ctx.fillText('Hello world', 10, 50);
window.onload = draw;
<canvas id="canvas" width="250" height="250></canvas>

Remember to reset the scale after completing the text drawing process.

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