displaying the identical image from various perspectives

I have an arrow image that I need to display in different angles - top, left, bottom, right.

I was considering what would be the best approach: 1: Changing the image direction via CSS and loading the main image

<img src="a.png">
<img src="a.png" style="transform: rotate(90deg);">
<img src="a.png" style="transform: rotate(180deg);">
<img src="a.png" style="transform: rotate(270deg);">

2: Creating new images with each angle and utilizing them

<img src="a.png">
<img src="b.png">
<img src="c.png">
<img src="d.png">

Or is there another preferred method?

The most important factor is that this HTML will be used in an Android app, so even the smallest details are crucial. The entire HTML file will be called from the asset folder of the Android application.

Answer №1

Using CSS transforms is typically the faster option, assuming all targeted browsers can support it.

It's more efficient to perform calculations on the local CPU rather than loading multiple images due to slower network speeds.

On the other hand, having separate images allows for caching within the browser, reducing load times for subsequent page visits.

In reality, the difference in performance speed is minimal unless dealing with a large number of images or a particularly sluggish webserver.

Answer №2

If you find yourself needing to use this on browsers that lack support for CSS transform, you'll have no option but to use the second method.

One potential solution is to merge all four arrows into a single image and then utilize CSS sprite positioning to display the correct orientation from the larger image.

<img src="arrow.png" class="direction-up">
<img src="arrow.png" class="direction-right">
<img src="arrow.png" class="direction-down">
<img src="arrow.png" class="direction-left">

You would need to define appropriate CSS classes and calculate positions based on the dimensions of your image.

Once the image(s) are initially downloaded and cached locally by the browser, the difference in loading time will be negligible, especially considering anything under 40ms is imperceptible to the human eye.

Typically, small images take only 1-2 ms to download individually (but with much longer overhead for each request/response), so consolidating them into a single image sprite actually enhances efficiency.

The time it takes to download a single arrow image versus a sprite containing all four arrows will likely be similar, as the majority of time spent will be due to network overhead in processing the request.

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