What are the steps to customize the appearance of a ComboBox using CSS?

I'm struggling to style the items in a combo box when it's dropped down. Currently using vaadin-time-picker on Svelte, but my issue persists due to the combo box included.

Despite experimenting with CSS, I haven't had any success. My goal is to widen the dropdown box to accommodate the text. It's important to note that the width of the dropdown box needs to be larger than the input field.

Below is the code for my time-picker. Any assistance would be highly appreciated!

      style="--vaadin-combo-box-overlay-width: 350px"
      theme="custom" />
      <div class="separator">-</div>
      on:blur={valueChanged} />

Answer №1

When it comes to altering the appearance of a dropdown menu, you can easily adjust its width using a CSS custom property assigned to the element:

html {
    --custom-dropdown-width: 400px;

Answer №2

When examining the vaadin-time-picker, do you observe that the html is visible or is it dynamically loaded through scripts?

If a component or custom element includes another custom element, typically you must specify that element to be able to modify the css.

For example:

my-custom-element another-element {
 //your styling

Answer №3

To identify the available stylable parts of the element, it is advisable to conduct an inspection. Subsequently, you can utilize the ::part() selector to specifically target them:

.custom-slider::part(abc) {


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