How come the hidden container does not reappear after I click on it?

I'm having an issue with a hidden container that holds comments. Inside the container, there is a <div> element with a <p> tag that says "Show all comments". When I click on this element, it successfully displays the comments. However, clicking on it again does not hide the comments container. I suspect that there might be an error in my jQuery code. Can you help me figure out what's wrong?

var commentsHidden = $( ".comments-container" ).is( ":hidden" );

if (commentsHidden) {
  $( ".see-all" ).click(function() {
      $('.see_hide').text('Hide Comments');

} else {

    $( ".see-all" ).click(function() {


Answer №1

Make sure to update the commentsHidden variable each time the click event is triggered, so it reflects the current visibility status of the comments container. This way, you can simplify your code by removing the if statement and directly handling the show/hide logic based on the updated value of commentsHidden.

$(".see-all").click(function() {
    var commentsHidden = $(".comments-container").is(":hidden");
    if (commentsHidden) {
        $('.see_hide').text('Hide Comments');
    } else {

Answer №2

When you utilize the on('click', ..) function or its shorthand version click(..), a new handler is attached. This results in multiple handlers being associated with the same object, all of which are triggered. To avoid this, it's best to either set up the handler only once:

// Implement this in global code or code running upon module load
// Just one time!
$(".see-all").click(function() {
  if ($( ".comments-container" ).is( ":hidden" )) {
    $('.see_hide').text('Hide Comments');
  } else {

or remove the previous handler:

$( ".see-all" ).off('click'); // Remove all click handlers

var commentsHidden = $( ".comments-container" ).is( ":hidden" );
if (commentsHidden) {
  $( ".see-all" ).click(function() {
    $('.see_hide').text('Hide Comments');
} else {
  $( ".see-all" ).click(function() {

Answer №3

It is important to ensure that the flag state is checked within the click function(). Otherwise, the click handler will only be bound once during page load.

$( ".see-all" ).click(function() {
    var commentsHidden = $( ".comments-container" ).is( ":hidden" );
    if (commentsHidden) {
        $('.see_hide').text('Hide Comments');
    } else {

Answer №4

Make a simple adjustment by trying this:

$( ".see-all" ).click(function() {
  var commentsHidden = $( ".comments-container" ).is( ":hidden" );
  if (commentsHidden) {
      $('.see_hide').text('Hide Comments');
  } else {
    $( ".see-all" ).click(function() {

To optimize, ensure the click handler is only bound once and verify if comments are hidden every time the p element is clicked.

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