Designing a patterned rectangle filled with stylish text

I am relatively new to the world of HTML and CSS, and I am encountering a specific challenge with CSS.

My goal is to design a section that looks like this:









The main issue I'm facing is that when I try to set a background color for the rectangle containing the text, it ends up encompassing all the content below it.

.lower-part {
  margin-top: 15%;
.lower-part .row .image img {
  height: 80%;
  width: 80%;
.lower-part .row .textbox {
  background-color: red;
<div class="lower-part">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="image"><img src="images/BadmintonPicture.svg" alt="Badminton Picture"></div>
    <div class="textbox1">
      <p>For me, nothing is better than regular exercise. It keeps me energetic throughout the day.</p>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="image"><img src="images/CookingPicture.svg" alt="Cooking Picture"></div>
        <div class="textbox">
          <p>I LOVE Food. I try to experiment with new recipes whenever I can. The Food Lab by Kenji Lopéz-Alt helps me be a better cook.</p>
          <div class="row">
            <div class="image"><img src="images/ReadingPicture.svg" alt="Reading Picture"></div>
            <div class="textbox">
              <p> I love self-development books because they help me grow as a person.
                <br>Slight Edge, Atomic Habits, How to Win Friends & Influence People .
              <div class="row">
                <div class="image"><img src="images/GuitarPicture.svg" alt="Guitar Picture"></div>
                <div class="textbox">
                  <p>I grew up playing the violin but the guitar seemed way cooler. So I stuck with that for the most part. Also, I like to sing every few minutes.</p>


.lower-part {
  margin-top: 15%;
  .row {
    .image {
      img {
        height: 80%;
        width: 80%;
    .textbox {
      background-color: red;

Answer №1

Make sure to always close your <div> tags. Properly indenting and using new lines for new tags can help you keep track of open tags more easily.

<div class="lower-part">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="image">
            <img src="images/BadmintonPicture.svg" alt="Badminton Picture">
        <div class="textbox1">
                Enjoying regular exercise is essential for me.
                It keeps my energy levels up all day long.


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