Responsive Design and the Importance of Setting Min-Width in Bootstrap 3

After doing some research on Stack Overflow about defining a minimum width for a responsive layout in Bootstrap3, I encountered conflicting answers related to "media queries."

My goal is to make my layout responsive up to a certain point. Once it reaches, let's say 800px width, I want it to stop being responsive. Any tips on the correct way to achieve this? Thank you!

Update: To accomplish this, which parameters need to be adjusted at ?

Answer №1


  1. Scroll down to --> Breakpoints for Media Queries

    Determine the points at which your design will adjust, depending on screen size.

  2. Next, scroll to --> Container Widths

    Specify the maximum width of .container based on different screen sizes.

Answer №2

When you mention 'responsive down to 800px,' it seems like you're aiming for a fluid grid until 800px, then switching to a fixed width of 800px layout.

Though it may be challenging, one way to achieve this is by overriding the base bootstrap css (or LESS) with a media query that targets browser widths of 800px or smaller. Here's an example:

@media screen and (max-width:800px) {
 .col-lg-3 {
  width: 100px;
 .col-lg-2 {
  width: 80px;

The content within the curly braces in the media query above serves as an illustration. It's important to adjust the classes used in constructing your layout, typically starting with .col-. For more information, refer to this Stack Overflow thread: How to remove responsive features in Twitter Bootstrap 3?

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