What is the best way to target the final child element of a specific CSS class?

I am working with an HTML table and my goal is to remove the border-bottom from the last row, excluding the row with class .table-bottom:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:752px;" class="table">
    <tr class="table-top"><th style="width:40px;">ID</th> <th>Post title</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Owner</th> <th style="width:100px;">Actions</th></tr>
    <tr class="table-middle"><td>1</td> <td>Test</td> <td>16.7.2013</td> <td>Admin</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>
    <tr class="table-middle"><td>2</td> <td>Test 2</td> <td>3.8.2013</td> <td>Admin</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>
    <tr class="table-bottom"><td colspan="5"></td></tr>
.table tr th {
border-right:1px solid #d7d7d7;
border-bottom:1px solid #d7d7d7;
.table tr th:last-child {
.table tr td {
border-right:1px solid #d7d7d7;
border-bottom:1px solid #d7d7d7;
.table tr td:last-child {
.table .table-middle:last-of-type td {
.table tr.table-middle td:first-child {
.table tr th:first-child {
.table tr.table-bottom td {

Unfortunately, the

.table .table-middle:last-of-type td
selector does not seem to be working properly.

Feel free to check out the Fiddle for reference.

Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

Answer №1

Simply put: Changing the HTML structure is necessary as CSS alone cannot achieve this.

Further explanation:

:last-of-type pseudo-class targets the last sibling of a specific type within its parent element's list of children.

Consider using the selector: .table-middle:last-of-type.

Although the .table-middle selector may correctly target the element, it does not represent the last sibling of its particular type, as the term refers to the HTML element itself rather than the combination of element.class.

Here is an effective solution:

HTML Structure

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:752px;" class="table">
            <th style="width:40px;">ID</th>
            <th>Post title</th>
            <th style="width:100px;">Actions</th>
            <td colspan="5"></td>
            <td>Test 2</td>

CSS Styling

.table tbody tr:last-child td {

Access the working demo on Fiddle

Answer №2

You can simplify it even further by eliminating the use of classes entirely:




table {
    width: 500px;
table td { /* style for all cells excluding top and bottom rows */
    background: red;
table tr:first-child td { /* style for cells in the top row */
    background: green;
table tr:last-child td { /* style for cells in the bottom row */
    background: blue;
table tr:first-child td:first-child, /* first row, first cell */
table tr:first-child td:last-child, /* first row, last cell */
table tr:last-child td:first-child, /* last row, first cell */
table tr:last-child td:last-child { /* last row, last cell */
    background: yellow;

See the interactive JSFiddle demonstration.

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