multiple divisions in the center

I am struggling with centering 2 divs, each containing 3 nested divs wrapped around a big main div. The code I have written is as follows:

<div stye="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 1210px;">
<div id="left" style=" float:left; width: 606px; height: 506px;">

    <div style="top:0px; float:left; width:300px; border: 2px solid #FF0; height:502px; text-align:center; font-family: Myriad Pro, Arial, sans-serif; color:#FFF;"><h1>A picture of a cool guy wearing our shirt will go in here.</h1></div>

    <div style="top:0px; float:left; width:300px; border: 2px solid #FF0; border-left:0px; height:200px; text-align:center; font-family: Myriad Pro, Arial, sans-serif; color:#FFF;"><h1>A product image will go in here.</h1></div>  

    <div style="top:0px; float:left; width:300px; border: 2px solid #FF0;border-top:0px; border-left:0px; height:300px; text-align:center; font-family: Myriad Pro, Arial, sans-serif; color:#FFF;"><h1>A tight product image will go in here.</h1></div>  

<div id="left" style="float:left; width: 604px; height: 506px;">

    <div style="top:0px; float:right; width:300px; border: 2px solid #FF0; border-left:0px; height:502px; text-align:center; font-family: Myriad Pro, Arial, sans-serif; color:#FFF;"><h1>A picture of a cool guy wearing our shirt will go in here.</h1></div>

    <div style="top:0px; float:left; width:300px; border: 2px solid #FF0; border-left:0px; height:200px; text-align:center; font-family: Myriad Pro, Arial, sans-serif; color:#FFF;"><h1>A product image will go in here.</h1></div>  

    <div style="top:0px; float:left; width:300px; border: 2px solid #FF0;border-top:0px; border-left:0px; height:300px; text-align:center; font-family: Myriad Pro, Arial, sans-serif; color:#FFF;"><h1>A tight product image will go in here.</h1></div>  


Answer №1

margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1210px;

I noticed a small typo with "stye" as well :)

Answer №2

To increase efficiency, it is recommended to utilize CSS classes. In addition, there are two divs with the same id of "left", which should be unique. Consider using classes instead for element identification.

<style type="text/css">
.myclass {
    top: 0px; float: left; width: 300px; border: 2px solid #FF0; height:502px; text-align: center; font-family: Myriad Pro, Arial, sans-serif; color:#FFF;
<!-- This div inherits styles from the .myclass definition -->
<div class="myclass">content</div>

For proper alignment of the divs, include the style margin: auto;.

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