Can a single character within a span be located and customized using only CSS techniques?

My inquisitive mind believes that the answer lies in the negative, however, CSS3 pseudo-selectors have the ability to work their magic almost like performing illusions on a stage.

In an absurd context, I am determined to locate and style the period character inside spans. The reasons behind this endeavor are too ridiculous to explain. Unfortunately, the elusive character's position varies each time, making it challenging to pinpoint. My assumption is that without JavaScript, achieving this task might not be possible, but I seek confirmation.

Answer №1

Although not the ideal solution, you have the option to wrap each character in an element for styling purposes.

A straightforward JavaScript code can achieve this effect.

const element = document.querySelector("#find-periods");
element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace(/\./g, '<span class="char-period">.</span>')
.char-period{ color: blue; font-size: 25px; }
<p id="find-periods">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vitae tristique massa, ut convallis risus. Vestibulum maximus sed libero ut lacinia. Integer vel mollis ex. Nullam mattis ipsum in massa aliquet pharetra eget nec enim. In vitae sem at nibh mollis finibus. Quisque id pretium velit. Donec nec augue volutpat, sodales dui id, eleifend augue.
  Nulla lobortis congue est ut venenatis. Ut mollis nisi ac purus auctor, nec sollicitudin mi vestibulum. Integer tincidunt, metus sit amet euismod porta, nisl nisi accumsan lectus, id lacinia nunc arcu vitae massa. Nunc et tellus ante. In mattis ex sed sem hendrerit elementum. Ut leo libero, convallis sit amet massa et, tincidunt malesuada augue. Pellentesque consectetur maximus maximus. Duis suscipit dolor risus, sed egestas libero iaculis ac. Phasellus consectetur quam ipsum, in finibus leo fringilla a.

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