What causes ngb-tabset to reset to the first tab upon being hidden and then shown again?

I have implemented ngb-tabset within a component that is contained within a single div. This div element is conditionally displayed based on the value of a specific condition. If the condition evaluates to false, another section is shown instead.

<div *ngIf="showAllTabs">
    <ngb-tab id="heading-1">
      <ng-template ngbTabTitle>
         <div>HEADING 1</div>
   <ngb-tab id="heading-2">
      <ng-template ngbTabTitle>
         <div>HEADING 2</div>

<div *ngIf="!showAllTabs">
  <!-- Some other work -->

An issue arises when the active tab is set to "heading-2", and then the containing division tag becomes hidden and reappears - in this scenario, the active tab automatically switches back to the first tab (heading-1). How can I prevent this from happening?

Answer №1

The issue was due to the usage of the structural directive "ngIf". This directive removes elements from the DOM, causing them to be re-rendered when it turns out to be true. As a result, the default tab becomes visible again. To solve this, we can program the tab selection by storing the tab's id in a variable and enabling it each time the DOM elements are rendered.

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