What is the best way to move information from one table to a different one?

I have two tables: users2 and user_totals. Each of these tables has rows named clicks (impression_count), fclicks (use_count), and completed_stus (completion_count). The ones in brackets are the new additions in the user_totals table. I would like to transfer all the integers from the first table to the second table only if the statistics in the second table are 0. Additionally, these values should be added to the same user id, which is represented as id in the first table and user_id in the second table. Can someone provide me with a functioning mysqli statement to accomplish this?

Answer №1

If you need to insert data based on a certain condition, you can use the INSERT INTO with SELECT statement like this:

INSERT INTO target_table
    (column1, column2, column3)
SELECT value1, value2, value3
FROM source_table
WHERE condition='value'

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