In my Ionic/Angular project, I'm attempting to showcase two columns side by side in a row. However, the layout seems to be stacking them on top of each other with the

I am having some trouble arranging two columns in a row for my Ionic/Angular project. It seems like the content is stacking on top of each other instead of side by side.
Here's the CSS I'm using:

    <ion-grid class="rewards-container" *ngIf="!noRewardsData">
         <ion-row class="row-container">
           <ng-container *ngFor="let category of categories">
             <ion-col size="6" class="reward-item" *ngIf="contentVisibility[category.value] && getRewardsByCategory(category.value).length > 0">
               <ion-card class="reward-card" *ngFor="let item of getRewardsByCategory(category.value); let i = index" (click)="selectedReward(item)">
                   <img class="reward-image" [src]="item.imageUrl" (error)="$ = defaultImg">
                 <div class="reward-details">
                   <div class="reward-name">{{}}</div>
                   <div class="reward-cost">{{item.points}}</div>

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I'm unable to troubleshoot the issue without having access to all the necessary code. Below is a functional example that you can refer to for assistance!


<ion-grid class="rewards-container">
    <ng-container *ngFor="let category of categories">
      <ion-col size="6" class="reward-item">
          *ngFor="let item of categoriesData; let i = index"
            <img class="reward-image" [src]="item.imageUrl" />
          <div class="reward-details">
            <div class="reward-name">{{ }}</div>
            <div class="reward-cost">{{ item.points }}</div>


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-example',
  templateUrl: 'example.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['example.component.css'],
export class ExampleComponent {
  categories = ['A', 'B'];
  categoriesData = [
      imageUrl: '',
      name: 'test',
      points: 'test',
      imageUrl: '',
      name: 'test',
      points: 'test',
      imageUrl: '',
      name: 'test',
      points: 'test',
      imageUrl: '',
      name: 'test',
      points: 'test',
      imageUrl: '',
      name: 'test',
      points: 'test',
      imageUrl: '',
      name: 'test',
      points: 'test',
      imageUrl: '',
      name: 'test',
      points: 'test',


Answer №2

When you press the {} button, paste your code in the designated Code sample pre code section.

To format your code, you can utilize the "unminify" tool. Set the Tab size to 1. Enter your code and click on Unminify. After that, use the Copy button and paste it on stackoverflow into the Code sample pre code area after pressing the {} button.

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