Ensure that three spans are precisely aligned to occupy a single line

My dilemma is as follows:

I have a line within a document that has a set width.

Now, there are 3 elements involved - one <a> tag and two <span> tags.

The content in the <a> tag varies in width each time it appears on the line.

The third element, which is a <span>, needs to be aligned with the right edge of the container holding all three elements.

The second element, being the first <span>, should be centered perfectly.

So far, I haven't been able to figure out a solution for this. While using a table may work, it doesn't feel like the best approach. I'm confident that there's a CSS-based solution available too.

Answer №1

If you want to enhance the display:table; option, consider using display:flex;, or revisit the floating method with a negative margin for compatibility with older browsers: VIEW DEMO (both methods)

Using Flex:


<p class="flex"><a href="#"> text as long as needed </a>
<span class="middle">
   text with any width text with any width text with any width text with any width 
  <span> span </span>


.flex {
.middle {

float trickery:


<p class="funny"><a href="#"> text as long as needed </a>
<span class="right"> span </span>
<span class="layout">
  <span> text with any width text with any width text with any width text with any width </span>


a {
.right {
.layout {
.layout span {

Answer №2

Utilize display:table and display:table-cell for a consistent layout across various browsers. Don't forget about the handy vertical-align: middle property as well.

Check out this demonstration:


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