Unable to adjust the text color to white

As someone who is new to Typescript, I'm facing a challenge in changing the text color to white and struggling to find a solution.

I'm hoping that someone can guide me in the right direction as I've tried multiple approaches without success.

Below is the code snippet:

type ExploreCardsProps = {
    avatar: string
   headgear: string
   amount: number
   const ListText = styled(ListItemText)(()=>({
    color: "white",

 export function ExploreCards ({avatar, headgear, amount} : ExploreCardsProps)  {
  return (
    <List sx={{ width: '100%', maxWidth: 360, bgcolor: 'black'}}>
      <ListItem alignItems="flex-start">
          <Avatar alt="Luis" src= {avatar} />
                sx={{ display: 'inline'}}
      <Divider variant="inset" component="li" />

Answer №1

To ensure that your custom styles are correctly applied, it is essential to substitute the ListItemText component with the ListText component.

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