I've encountered an issue when attempting to use innerHTML for DOM manipulation

I've been attempting to remove a specific list item <li> from the inner HTML by assigning them proper IDs. However, I'm encountering difficulties in deleting it. How can I delete these list items after clicking on the cross button?

Feel free to check out my codepen.io link for the code sample:


Answer №1

Ensure to attach the event listener to the cross button after the content has been rendered

function assignCrossButtonListener() {
  let classArray = document.querySelectorAll(".listItem");
  classArray.forEach(item => {
    item.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
      let idValue = event.srcElement.getAttribute("value");

function displayLeads(leads){
   let listItemHTML = "";
   for(let index=0;index<leads.length;index++)
       let itemId ="cross-id"+index;
       let clickAction = "triggerCrossClick('"+itemId+"')";

          <li class="inner-li">
              <a target='_blank' href='${leads[index]}'>
              <i value="${leads[index]}" class="fas fa-times-circle listItem"  id="${itemId}"></i>
   assignCrossButtonListener(); //Attaching event listener once rendering is complete

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