Managing numerous range sliders in a Django form

My Request: I am looking to have multiple Range sliders (the number will change based on user selections) on a single page. When the sliders are moved, I want the value to be updated and displayed in a span element, as well as updating the model.

The Issue: I am struggling with changing the values of sliders when there are multiple sliders created using a for loop. The span element does not update, and the value of the slider does not change when I move the handle.


<form method="post">
    {{ formset1.management_form }}
    {% for form in formset1 %}
        <div class="custom-slider-container">
            <label>{{ }}</label>
            <span id="demo-{{ forloop.counter0 }}" class="range-val">0</span>
            {{ form.weight }}
    {% endfor %}

initial = Driver.objects.filter(simulation=chosenSim, type='KEY_OUTPUT')
formset = sliders_formset(request.POST or None, queryset=initial)
    if 'sliders_confirm' in request.POST:
        if formset.is_valid():
            instances =
            for form in instances:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path_info)

sliders_formset = modelformset_factory(Driver, fields=['name', 'weight'], extra=0,
                                   widgets={'weight': RangeInput(attrs={'class': 'custom-slider', 'max': 20})})

If you require any additional information, please let me know!

Answer №1

My issue was resolved using the "each" method!

    var sliderFunction = function(){
        var sliderDiv = $('.custom-slider-container'),
        rangeSlider = $('.custom-slider'),
        valueLabel = $('.range-val-label');

            var rangeValue = $(this).attr('value');
            var rangeValue = Math.trunc(rangeValue);


                var labelValue = $(this).next().attr('value');

            rangeSlider.on('input', function(){

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