Unable to assign a height of 100% to the tr element or a width of 100% to the

While inspecting the elements, I noticed the presence of <tbody>, within which <tr> is nested. The issue arises when the tbody element has 100% height and width as intended, but <tr> always falls short by 4 pixels in height even when styled at 100%


Within this structure, there are two tds with widths set at 20% and 80%, respectively. Both cells seem to have unwanted border-like features that I have been unable to eliminate. It resembles margin, yet no solution has presented itself so far.

This query may be somewhat convoluted, but a resolution continues to elude me.

Answer №1

When troubleshooting layout issues, consider examining the padding surrounding the "tr" elements. One handy tool for this task is Pesticide, a Google Chrome extension that can display outlines of different sections to assist in identifying padding and margin settings. It appears there may be a problem with padding. To investigate further, enable Chrome Developer mode and navigate to the Element tab on the right side. By scrolling down, you'll find the box model displaying the padding and margin values used in the specific section.

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