Utilizing jQuery to apply a class to a targeted element when clicked

I'm currently working on animating a menu item where it expands to the left when hovered over, and contracts back when the mouse moves out. This part is functioning as expected.

Additionally, I am trying to apply a specific color to the button by adding a class on click, but for some reason it's not working.

Here's a fiddle link for reference: http://jsfiddle.net/g3ra912j/


    #menu1 .active {
        background-color: #00f;


$("#menu1").click(function () {

When clicked, it should turn blue, but it's not happening. Can someone point out what might be wrong?

Thank you!

Answer №1

It appears that there is an additional space in your CSS code. The correct syntax should be:

#menu1.active {
    background-color: #00f;

This adjustment is necessary because you are applying the class .active to the same element that has the id menu1. The original CSS code would style an element with class .active within the #menu1.

Answer №2

Dealing with a similar issue, I found success using addClass('active') instead of toggleClass. Simply incorporate an if condition to verify whether the element already has the active class before adding it.

Please inform me if this solution proves effective.

In regards to the CSS, bobdye's advice was indeed accurate.

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