Confirming class Value with Selenium IDE

I am looking to confirm the value of a specific class within an HTML code using Selenium IDE. Specifically, I want to retrieve the value of: data-val located under the class named tgl. In my example, this value can be either 0 or 1. How can I achieve this using Selenium IDE? How can I validate that the value is either 0 or 1?

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <body id="rpt-page-control-wafd" data-dir="ltr" data-lang="en" dir="ltr">
  <div id="wrapper">
  <div id="nav" style="background-color: transparent;">
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        <div class="cont-grid cont-grid-extended-header">
           <table id="wafd-t-tblh" class="data-grid data-grid-header" style="background-color: transparent;">
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                 <tr class="" data-row="1">
                    <td class="col-idx" style="width:72px;" data-max="999.0" data-min="0.0" data-val="1" data-col="CONTROL_WATER_AND_FEED__Day">
                    <td class="hour editable" style="width:80px;" data-max="1440.0" data-min="0.0" data-val="01:01" data-col="CONTROL_WATER_AND_FEED__Time">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width: 60px; background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244);" data-val="0" data-col="water_1">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width: 60px; background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244);" data-val="0" data-col="water_2">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width: 60px; background-color: rgb(244, 244, 244);" data-val="1" data-col="water_3">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="water_4">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="feed_1">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="1" data-col="feed_2">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="feed_3">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="feed_4">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="auger_1">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="auger_2">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="auger_3">
                    <td class="tgl" style="width:60px;" data-val="0" data-col="auger_4">
                    <td class="col-edit" style="width:72px;" data-col="col_edit">
                 <tr data-row="2">
                 <tr data-row="3">
                 <tr data-row="4">
                 <tr data-row="5">
                 <tr data-row="6">
                 <tr data-row="7">
           <table id="wafd-t-tbl" class="data-grid" style="display: none;"></table>
           <div id="wafd-t-tbl-vscroll" class="data-grid-vscroller" style="top: 64px; height: 330px; width: 872px; background-color: transparent;"></div>
     <div id="wafd-s" class="cont cont-modal" style="left:8px;top:20px;width:992px;height:470px;display:none;">
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  <script src="js/common.js?v11">
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  <script src="js/plugins/plugin.passcodepanel.js?v11">
  <script src="js/plugins/plugin.datagrid.js?v11">
  <script src="js/plugins/plugin.settingspanel.js?v11">
  <script src="js/plugins/plugin.helppanel.js?v11">
  <script src="js/ESLNS/JSGlobals.js?v11">
  <script src="js/ESLNS/DataServiceUtils.js?v11">
  <script src="js/ESLNS/DataConverts.js?v11">
  <script src="js/libs/moment.min.js">
  <script src="js/page.control-wafd.js">
  <script src="js/libs/jquery-2.0.3.min.js">
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Answer №1

To achieve this task, you can use the power of JavaScript. The runScriptAndWait function enables you to compare attribute values with a specific tag. It is essential to pay attention while crafting the script.



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