How to Align Navigation Bar Items to the Right in Bootstrap 4

I need some help with bootstrap. I've looked at various discussions on this topic and tried numerous solutions, but I still can't get it right. I want the logo to be on the left and the navigation links aligned to the right. Here's what I've attempted so far:

1. Placing the ul (.navbar-nav) inside a div with flex-container class and setting flex-direction: row-reverse;

2. Adding the mr-auto class to the ul (.navbar-nav)

3. Trying out the ml-auto class on ul (.navbar-nav)

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Answer №1

In order to make the necessary changes, you must update the class name within the

<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">

The required modification involves replacing the class mr-auto with ml-auto.

To have a clearer view of the code snippet, please refer to the full-screen mode below.

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This response aims to assist you in resolving the specified issue effectively.

We appreciate your attention and cooperation. Thank you.

Answer №2

By incorporating justify-content: flex-end into the div with the id of navbarNavDropdown, I successfully aligned the items to the right side of the display. Additionally, the removal of mr-auto from the inner ul element resolved any issues, resulting in a functional layout.

Answer №3

To create some space on the right and left side, adjust the padding value in the following code snippet. If you do not want any spacing, leave the padding as 0:

.navbar { padding: 0; }

Next, change this line of code:

<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">


<ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto>

By implementing these changes, your issue should be resolved.

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