What is the best way to align these boxes so they fit perfectly together?

check it out here

code snippets

<div id="container">
<div class="box">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac magna non augue porttitor scelerisque ac id diam. Mauris elit velit, lobortis sed interdum at, vestibulum vitae libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque iaculis ligula ut ipsum mattis viverra. Nulla a libero metus. Integer gravida tempor metus eget condimentum. Integer eget iaculis tortor. Nunc sed ligula sed augue rutrum ultrices eget nec odio.. </div>
<div class="box">Fusce a metus eu diam varius congue nec nec sapien. Vestibulum orci tortor, sollicitudin ac euismod non, placerat ac augue. Nunc convallis accumsan justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec malesuada vehicula lectus, viverra sodales ipsum gravida nec. Integer gravida nisi ut magna mollis molestie. Nullam pharetra accumsan sagittis. Proin tristique rhoncus orci, eget vulputate nisi sollicitudin et. Quisque lacus augue, mollis non mollis et, ullamcorper in purus. Morbi et sem orci. Praesent accumsan odio in ante ullamcorper id pellentesque mauris rhoncus. Duis vitae neque dolor. Duis sed purus at eros bibendum cursus nec a nulla. Donec turpis quam, ultricies id pretium sit amet, gravida eget leo. 
<div class="box">Vivamus vulputate mattis magna ac pretium. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ut quam quam. Suspendisse non lorem at ligula convallis convallis. Phasellus varius, felis nec ultrices pulvinar, tortor massa semper nunc, id auctor elit felis eget libero. Sed in turpis quam. In ultrices, eros sit amet vehicula mattis, nisi nisi tincidunt neque, a imperdiet lorem nibh eget libero. Vivamus tempus nunc odio, ut iaculis nunc.</div>
<div class="box">Donec vel sapien lacus, sed lobortis nisl. Integer a dui nulla, non convallis massa. Quisque posuere loborti...


#container { 
    width: 500px;
    border: 1px solid black;
    margin: 0 auto;
    overflow: auto;
.box {
    width: 45%;
    margin: 5px;
    float: left;
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    border: 1px solid green;

I want to make sure that the 3rd box ("Vivamus vulputate") aligns closely with the first box ("Lorem ipsum").

I'm aware there's a way to achieve this with CSS tricks, I just can't recall how...

Answer №1

The evolution of the internet has given rise to innovative solutions like jQuery Masonry:

Your current layout may not support your desired outcome, but a workaround could involve specifying left columns with float:left; clear:left; and right columns with float:right; clear:right; ...

See the result:


Answer №2

Believe it or not, there is a form of magic in the world of web design known as CSS columns: http://jsfiddle.net/JyVUD/ (instructions for making it work in different browsers are provided).

Unfortunately, like with all magical things, not every browser is on board - IE, for example, doesn't support it.

Answer №3

Implemented using JavaScript Fiddle, I decided to keep it simple (although I would have preferred to use mootools) since that's how you set up the Fiddle.

It functions properly, but I believe there is room for improvement and it may not be fully compatible across all browsers. Nonetheless, I am sharing so you can review.

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