Removing styling from a table header and specific table data cells with CSS

I am trying to create an HTML table where I only want to select cells that are not part of the thead section and do not have a specific class. I am having trouble with the selector for this particular case.

table :not(thead):not(.cell-class) {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;

|                |               |          |          |    <-- <thead>
|  .cell-class   |       x       |     x    |     x    |
|  .cell-class   |       x       |     x    |     x    |
|  .cell-class   |  .cell-class  |     x    |     x    |

I am looking to only select the cells marked with x. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this correctly?

Answer №1

Here is the selector syntax that can meet your requirements:

thead, td:not(.cell-class){


Answer №2

Give this a shot

tbody td:not(.cell-class) {
    background: #ffffff; 

This method should also be effective even if there is no additional tbody tag wrapping your tr elements after the thead. (Confirmed to work in Chrome with this example.)

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