Does CSS padding-top: 100% take into account the parent's width?

I'm a bit perplexed by this discovery and I can't quite comprehend the rationale behind it.

The provided code snippet showcases two nested DIVs. The outer DIV has specific dimensions and a relative position set, while the inner DIV also has fixed height and width with top, right, and bottom padding all set to 100%.

My understanding is that padding should be calculated based on the parent element's height and width. However, the outcome reveals that the padding (top, right, bottom) only corresponds to the parent's width. This consistent result leads me to believe it's likely part of a standard specification.

This raises the question as to why this behavior was designed this way and whether there exists a method to reference the parent element's height for the top and bottom padding instead of its width.

Answer №1

Absolutely, the padding-top percentage does indeed pertain to the width as outlined in the W3 CSS Box model specifications:

For further information, you can visit:

Unfortunately, referencing height using padding percentages is not possible; it will always correspond to the width. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

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