Generate rows based on the quantity of items in Django templates

My current goal is:

To create a

<div class="row-fluid center"> 

and only display a maximum of 3 elements from list.dias.all. However, I am struggling to come up with the correct code.

    <div class="row-fluid center" id="{{list.dias.all.count}}">
    {% for dia in list.dias.all %}  
            <div class="span4" id="element" >
                    <h6 style="color: #9937d8">{{dia.tipo_dias.description}}</h6>
                    <small style="color: #b2e300">{{ dia.title_yt }}</small>

                <div id="another div"></div>
    {% endfor %}    

This might be a basic question, but I am unsure whether it would be best to use Django, django-templates, or jQuery to solve this issue.

Thank you in advance

-- edited

Thank you! What I actually want to do is iterate through each set of three elements and create a new row for them. I believe I am getting close to finding the solution now.

If there are 30 elements in a list, I want to create a new row for every 3 elements except for the first 3.

Answer №1

Here is the simple way to accomplish this:

{% for day in list.days.all|cut:":3" %}  

Answer №2

If you're looking to spice up your design, consider using the 'cycle' template tag in Django. You can find more information about it here.

While I'm not entirely sure about the specific details of opening and closing divs in your examples, the concept is to utilize the cycle tag within a loop to alternate between opening and closing divs except for the last iteration.

<div class="row-fluid center" id="{{list.dias.all.count}}">
{% for dia in list.dias.all %}
    <div class="span4" id="element">
            <h6 style="color: #9937d8">{{dia.tipo_dias.description}}</h6>
            <small style="color: #b2e300">{{ dia.title_yt }}</small>
    {% if forloop.revcounter > 1 %}{% cycle '' '' '</div><div>' %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

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