What steps should I follow to make a sticker adhere to a div?

I'm currently in the process of designing a sticker that attaches to the top of a div, much like this:

<div className="upgrade-premium">
<div className="upgrade-team">
    <p>100 members</p>
    <p>Private Teams</p>
<div className="team-plan-premium">
    <span className="numb-passes">
    <Passes20 />
    <span className="passes"> Passes</span>

Can anyone provide guidance on how I can achieve this design using CSS to make it adhere to a div as shown above?

Answer №1

To ensure proper alignment, it is crucial to set the position attribute of your main element (.upgrade-premium) to relative initially.

Following this, adjust the position property of your sticker element to absolute, and specify its right and top values as 0, similar to the example below:

.upgrade-premium {
    position: relative;

.sticker {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;

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