Challenges with incrementing in Jquery's each loop and setTimeout - an example showcasing the use of setTimeout. - this demo does not include setTimeout. Although all elements are correctly positioned, I am in need of that delayed animation =/

My goal is to arrange 6 cards per row using CSS transition and setTimeout. However, I am facing a challenge where I cannot use increment for my left and top parameters within setTimeout, as it accumulates all increments and places the elements in their final positions prematurely.

var self = $(this);
if (increment % 6 === 0 && increment !== 0) {
    leftIncrement = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
        'left' : 10 + leftIncrement * (resizedWidth + 20),
        'top' : $("#controlPanel").height() + 10 + topIncrement * (resizedHeight + 20)
}, increment * 500)

Answer №1

One issue you are facing is that the variable is being shared across different timeouts. You need the JavaScript code to capture the x and y positions separately for each timeout (you need a snapshot of the x/y values using JavaScript closure).

To solve this problem, modify the setTimeout function in your code like this (refer to the updated fiddle):

var valuex = 10 + leftIncrement * (resizedWidth + 20);
var valuey = $("#controlPanel").height() + 10 + topIncrement * (resizedHeight + 20)
setTimeout(function() {
    self.css({'left' : valuex,
    'top' : valuey});
}, increment * 500)

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