Arrange a variety of images with different dimensions in a narrow row while keeping the width fixed and adjusting the height accordingly

Imagine you have a collection of 3 (or more) images, each with different sizes and aspect ratios, within a fixed-width div (for example width:100%):

<div class="image-row">
   <img src="1.png">
   <img src="2.png">
   <img src="3.png">

How would you go about ensuring that all the images have equal height and together fill the width of the container in a tidy row?

I've experimented with various configurations of flex, inline-block, and nowrap in combination with height:100% or object-fit, but haven't found a solution. I run into issues like distorted aspect ratios, cropping parts of the image, or uneven heights.

In simple terms, it seems straightforward - scale each image individually to a uniform height, then resize them as a group to fit a specified width, all while maintaining their original proportions. Is there a specific limitation in CSS that prevents this from working seamlessly?

Answer №1

If you're looking to ensure all images fit within the same width and height div, setting them as background images might be the solution. Using background-size:cover, you can have images of different sizes fill the space without losing any parts due to varying aspect ratios. Adjusting the background-position or editing/cropping the photos beforehand to match the same aspect ratio are other options if compromising is not an ideal choice.

img {
  width: 33%;
  height: 150px;

.content {
  width: 33%;

#left {
  background-image: url("");

#center {
  background-image: url("");

#right {
  background-image: url("");
<div class="image-row">
  <div id = "left" class="content">
  <div id = "center" class="content"> 
  <div id = "right" class="content">

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