I have expanded the CSSStyleDeclaration prototype, how do I access the 'parent' property?

I have developed some custom methods for CSSStyleDeclaration and implement them like this:

A_OBJECT.style.method() ;

The code structure is quite simple:

CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.method = function () {
x = this.left;
..... etc

Here's my query: How can I access the parent element of 'this', which in this case is 'A_OBJECT'? Is there a way to achieve this? Thank you.

Answer №1

Yes, it is indeed possible in some scenarios. For instance, if you were to create your own subclass of CanvasRenderingContext2d, you could reference this.canvas to retrieve the main canvas associated with the rendering context.

On the other hand, when dealing with a CSSStyleDeclaration, there is no direct way to trace it back to the specific element it belongs to.

To work around this limitation, my suggestion would be to consider extending HTMLElement instead and utilizing this.style to access the style object. Essentially, you would need to start one level higher in the hierarchy.

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